Margot Robbie Panties Infused Vodka Etched glass bottle, vodka, panties, plastic and wax | 8.7 x 4.5 inches | 2016
Margot Robbie Panties Infused Vodka stems from my interest in film memorabilia and the way objects representing people who portray fictional characters are consumed by audiences. Panties are highly fetishized and commodified objects and symbolize an attempt to satiate a voyeuristic longing. In this context the panties become a metaphor for the essence or narrative associated with the subject's sexuality. The bottling of used panties is a potent symbol of the distillation of a projected fantasy. Unlike the common practice of celebrities marketing the idea of their essence in wearable lines of fragrance, in this work an intimate artifact belonging to the subject is distilled in a consumable product that is literally intoxicating. The 'viewer'/buyer is invited to indulge in a cocktail of fantasy and escapism or to keep the work bottled and preserved for prosperity.